Digital Storytelling & Reading Resources

There are an ever-growing number of online tools and resources related to reading material and digital storytelling.  This week, your task is to check out and experiment with some of these.  Remember to Diigo anything you find potentially useful.

For comprehensive lists of resources, check out the
  Digital Storytelling Guide 
  Reading Resources

—-Abridged Lists—
Storybuilding Tools

Photo/Video Story Makers

Sources of Books/Reading Materials

  • Story Online
    Videos of famous people reading storybooks. Includes printable handouts with activities, but not the original text of the books.
  • International Children’s Digital Library The Alien 1000’s of children’s books from around the world , sortable by age level and book type.

High-Interest sources of reading material for students


TO DO Tasks

  •  Look through Reading Resources and the Digital Storytelling Guide Use Diigo to bookmark sites and/or post site reviews on your blog.
  • Create a comic using or a digital story using another tool and post it on your blog.
  • Embed or post links on your blog to interesting stories you find.