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Title Author(s) Click to read Tags
Using Digital Stories to Improve Listening Comprehension with Spanish Young Learners of Englsih Dolores Ramírez Verdugo and Isabel Alonso Belmonte- Language Learning and Tech. OnlineArticle
  • Listening
Engage Me or Enrage Me Marc Prensky OnlineArticle
  • 21st Century Literacy
Trends in Digital Media 2007 Elizabeth Hanson-Smith OnlineArticle
  • 21st Century Literacy
Blogging in the Language Classroom: It Doesn’t “Simply Happen” Carla Arena OnlineArticle
  • Reading
  • Writing
Blogging for ELT. Teaching English Graham Stanley OnlineArticle
  • Writing
10 Big Myths about copyright explained Brad Templeton OnlineArticle
  • Copyright & Fair Use
A Hypercard Random Sentence Generator For Language Study Charles I. Kelly OnlineArticle
Research, Ethics, and Public Discourse: Jim Cummins OnlineArticle
  • Discourse
  • Research
Understanding EFL Learners’ Strategy Use and Strategy Awareness Kyoung Rang Lee, Ph.D. OnlineArticle
  • Discourse
  • Learning Styles
  • Research
Blogging in the Language Classroom: It Doesn’t “Simply Happen” Carla Arena & Casa Thomas Jefferson OnlineArticle
  • Discourse
  • Reading
  • Writing
Teaching Reading to Speakers of Non-Romanized Languages Scott Alkire OnlineArticle
  • Reading
Using comic books as read-alouds insights on reading instruction from an English as a second language classroom Jason Ranker OnlineArticle
  • Reading
EFL learning and teaching in Taiwan Michael Wu OnlineArticle
  • Grammar
  • Reading
  • Writing
CALL on Wikipedia Wikipedia OnlineArticle
Introduction to CALL Mark Warschauer OnlineArticle
  • CALL Overview/History
Effective Practice with e-Portfolios Lisa Gray (JISC) OnlineArticle
  • Professional Development
  • Web Presence / E-Portfolio
Connecting the Digital Dots: Literacy of the 21st Century Barbara R. Jones-Kavalier and Suzanne L. Flannigan OnlineArticle
Standards for the 21st Century Learner American Library Association OnlineArticle
  • 21st Century Literacy
Teens & Social Media Amanda Lenhart, Mary Madden, Alexandra Rankin Macgill, & Aaron Smith OnlineArticle
  • 21st Century Literacy
The Educator’s Guide to Copyright and Fair Use Hall Davidson OnlineArticle
  • Copyright & Fair Use
Electronic Portfolios: Engaged Students Create Multimedia-Rich Artifacts Gail Ring, Barbara Weaver, and James H. (Jim) Jones, Jr. OnlineArticle
  • Web Presence / E-Portfolio
Computer Resources for Learning Alan M. L.
  • CALL Overview/History
Computers as Aids in the Prevention and Remediation of Reading Disabilities,”
  • Discourse
  • Obstacles
Computer Use in the ESL Classroom English as 2nd language OnlineArticle
  • Listening
  • Pronunciation
  • Speaking
  • Web Presence / E-Portfolio
  • Assessment
Using the Computer for Practicing Pronunciation in ESL Class Teaching pronunciation of English using computer assisted learning software OnlineArticle
  • Learning Styles
  • Pronunciation
  • Research
  • Web Presence / E-Portfolio
WEB-BASED LANGUAGE TESTING Carsten Roever OnlineArticle
  • Assessment
  • Assessment
“What Happens When Students Use Text-to-Speech and Word Predict Programs to Compose Text?” Diane DeMott Painter OnlineArticle
  • 21st Century Literacy
  • Learning Styles
  • Listening
  • Obstacles
  • Reading
  • Speaking
  • Writing
Teaching Expressive Writing to Students with Learning Disabilities Gersten Russell, Scott Baker, and Lana Edwards OnlineArticle
  • Grammar
  • Learning Styles
  • Obstacles
  • Reading
  • Writing
Computer is the Best Technology to Increase Student’s Vocabulary Rofikoh Roka’aitun OnlineArticle
  • CALL Overview/History
  • Vocabulary
Supplementing Textbooks with Computer Based Resources in the Primary EFL Classroom Schimon Grossman OnlineArticle
  • Research
Web-Based Language Testing: Opportunities and Challenges Röver, C OnlineArticle
  • Assessment
WEB-BASED LANGUAGE TESTING Carsten Roever OnlineArticle
  • Assessment
Cultural, Disciplinary and Temporal Contexts of e-Learning and English as a Foreign Language Steve McCarty, Professor, Osaka Jogakuin College, Japan; President, World Ass OnlineArticle
  • Research
  • Theory
How I learned English Tomasz P. Szynalski OnlineArticle
  • Learning Styles
Handbook of research in second language teaching and learning Eli Hinkel OnlineArticle
  • Research