
A CALL Literature Custom Search Engine Searching below will produce results from only selected CALL related journals.  Megasources of CALL related Readings & Journals Language Learning & Technology CALL-EJ Online EuroCALL Review TESL-EJ Master Page Asian EFL Journal Australasian Journal of Educational Technology Educational Technology Review CALICO Journal BBC’s Sources of General Articles (not necessarily … Read more

CALL Glossary

Bandwidth The amount of data that can be sent from one computer to another through a particular connection in a certain amount of time, e.g. via a computer to the Internet and vice versa. The more bandwidth available, the faster you are able to access information. Bandwidth is usually measured in kilobits per second (Kbps) or … Read more


Search Open CALL Journals powered by Custom Search Control Web Suggested Readings Tomasz  Szynalski’s How I learned English in the pre-Internet age and why you can do it faste Emily Chen’s Introduction to CALL, Unit 1 Background Information / CALL Orientation CALL on Wikipedia Introduction to CALL (Warschauer) Introduction to CALL (Davies, et al.) Invitation to CALL … Read more