Session#2 Tasks

Looking back at all of the CALL tools and resources we’ve covered so far, which ones can you foresee yourself using in your (current and future) teaching, professional development, and personal computer usage?
  • Activities, Quizlet, , Padlet, Wordle, Pronunciation resources
  • Blogging (creating a course blog and/or student blogs, blogger tweaks)
  • Google+ Hangouts, Reading Resources
  • Presentations (finding online, creating with Prezi, Google Presentations, and Powerpoint)
  • Video & Audio (downloading videos, subscribing to channels, editing with WMM, editing audio, Voki)
  • Image Editing (cropping, albums, photo fun, comics, presentations)
  • RSS Reader (following blogs) & Social Networking (building your PLN)
  • Mapping (placemarks, mindmapping, graphic organizers)
Which particular skills related to these or other CALL Tools/Resources you’d like to focus on during this session?

1. By the end of this week, please publish a blog post detailing specific CALL skills you’d like to develop this session. 2. (by the end of this session)
Imagine it is now March of 2014….
Congratulations! You have been selected as teacher trainer by the Busan Office of Education!
(Of course, you will be compensated quite well.)
They are aware that you have completed the highly regarded BUFS TTP and would like to see a demonstration of how you might use CALL Tools and Resources in your present and future classes, as well as for ongoing professional development. They have asked you to create at least three blog posts that describe different potential applications of CALL. These do not need to be complete projects, they just need to be complete enough to show how you plan to use a particular tool or resource. Possibilities include:

CALL Session#2 Wishlist
Telephony Options
Utilities & Networking
Saving Webpages/files
Mobile (prezi, voicethread, padlet)gugu
transferring files from mobile device

Hangouts On Air