Social Bookmarking with Delicious

allow you to bookmark sites you like, organize them, share them with
others, and access them from any computer or browser.  Each
student in TTP CALL will use their own delicious account to maintain a
record of sites hey find interesting or useful. 

You can register for delicious at:
If you have a Yahoo ID, you can use that to login.
To install Delicious browser buttons go to:

To add buttons to Firefox, click here

For Internet Explorer, click here

You’ll need to close your browser and then open it again.  You
should then see the Delicious buttons on your browsers.  Login to Delicious
and you can start saving bookmarks.

Any time you want to save a link to your Delicious
account, just click the tag icon.



For Social Bookmarking sites to be useful, it’s important to tag each
When saving it make sure there is a Title  that  will
help you know what that page is when you see it listed
When first tagging a bookmark (red arrow), you can add tags like
listening, reading, vocabulary, etc (yellow rectangle). 
 If the bookmark is for this class, please include the tag
‘learningcall’.  If you it a bookmark that you don’t want
others to see you can check ‘do not share’ (orange arrow).
.Where it says ‘Notes’,  write a short description and/or tell
me why you think that site is interesting or useful. 

Common tags that
can be used include

  • Listening
  • Speaking 
  • Pronunciation
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar
  • Thinking

  • Activities

  • Assessment

  • Blogging
  • Drama
  • Games
  • Microblogging
  • Music
  • Podcasting
  • Presentation
  • SocialNetworking
  • VirtualEnvironments

  • Culture
  • obstacles
  • Design
  • Filtering
  • Gender
  • LearningStyles
  • Licensing
  • Copyright
  • ProfessionalDevelopment
  • Research
  • Theory 

If you want to edit bookmarks you’ve already saved, log in to your
delicious page, and click ‘edit’ below your link.  You can
then add or change tags.   You should then see tags below your
bookmarks (orange rectangle), and be able to look at a particular
category of your links by clicking the tags listed on the right side
(yellow box).

The ‘social’ part of social bookmarking is being able to see sites that
others have bookmarked and tagged. This is a useful way to find sites
of interest.  The numbers with the blue background (724 and
249 in the above image)  tell you how many other users have
bookmarked that site.
You can look for book marks by using URL’s like:

Take a few minutes to look through the links above or find links
related to your topic of interest using this kind of URL structure –
Add site you like to our own delicious bookmarks.

If you’re
still not sure how to use Delicous, 
the Delicious Screencast
and take a look at this
.   Additional  help

Register at Delicious,
install the browser plugin (if it isn’t already installed), and
bookmark at least three CALL related sites that seem interesting to

Add the URL of your delicious account (e.g. http://del.cious/jefflebow/)
to your portfolio page