TES531 Week#5 – Audio

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Please complete the Checklist of TES531 of Assignments and find out.
You can go back and edit that any time if you bookmark the ‘edit your responses’ link after completing it the first time.

Audio Week#5

  •  Explore the audio-related sites listed in the Audio Guide.  Use Diigo to bookmark at least three interesting sites (from there or other sources). These can include audio activity sites, podcasts, audio utilities, or anything else that is related to the use of audio for language learning.
  • Recording and editing an audio file with Audacity.
    Audacity Introduction Screencast
    You can download Audacity here. You will need some kind of external mic or headset to do this.  Record a short conversation or monologue about anything you like.
    – Export it as an mp3 file. (Remember to you’ll need to install the Lame Encoder first and click ‘File/Export’, not ‘File/Save’)
    – Then either
         –  upload it to your Google Drive and share it privately with [email protected]
         –  Upload it to Clyp.it and post the flash player on your blog like this:

To do so, after uploading a file to clyp.it, click on ‘advanced’ and copy the embed code (remember to use html mode when posting on your blog). See the last minute of this screencast for information on how to do so.

  • Phone Audio Practice
    Recording, Converting, & Publishing Audio from your Smartphone   Screencast Guide Here

    Smart phones can be an easy way to record conversations in a language class. Andriod phones come with a default recorder and there are many free apps available for Android and Iphones.

    Task: Record some audio on your phone (this can be a short chat with your students, reflections on CALL so far, or anything you like).  One of the issues with phone recordings is that they are sometimes saved in file formats (like .amr or m4a) that are not easily shared via  Kakao, Band, or other apps.  There are several ways to convert these files to friendlier formats.  You can use online converters (listed on the Audio Guide) or upload your phone recording to your Google Drive and install the Driver Converter app by clicking ‘Open with/Connect More Apps/and find ‘Drive Converter’.  I suggest converting that file to an mp3 file.  If desired, you can then open that file in Audacity and  do some basic editing.  You can then share it via the TES531 Band, Google Drive or post on your blog using Clyp.it as described above.

  • Register at Voki.com, create a Voki chatbot, and post it on your blog.
     Voki Screencast Guide here

Assorted Cumulative To Do Items: 

  • Check in on  Feedly. See new posts from classmates, alumni, and other sections.  
  • Add videos to your YouTube Playlists. 
  • Watch  assorted Screencast Guides
  • Diigo, Diigo, Diigo!