Week#6 Overview Video
Please see the update at the bottom of this post regarding the alternative to Dropbox.
Explore the Audio Guide. I’ll be uploading some ‘how-to’ screencasts soon, so don’t get stuck for too long trying to figure anything out.
Things to do/try
- Explore the audio-related sites listed in the Audio Guide. Use Diigo to bookmark at least three interesting sites (from there or other sources). These can include audio activity sites, podcasts, audio utilities, or anything else that is related to the use of audio for language learning.
- Register at Voki.com, create a Voki chatbot, and post it on your blog. Screencast Guide here
- – Download and install Audacity and Lame Encoder.
-Record and edit an audio file with Audacity.
You will need some kind of external mic or headset to do this. This can be on any type of monologue or conversation (e.g. an overview of your past week, highs and lows of the CALL course so far, an interview with a family member, or anything else you’d like to record).
– Export it as an mp3 file.
– Then either
– (easy) upload it to your Google Drive and share it with [email protected]
– (more challenging) updated! Because new Dropbox accounts no longer support ‘public links’ , if you want to to post it on your blog with a flash player like this
you’ll need to use PBWorks. PBWorks Guide here.