TES531 Week#6: Presentations, Graphic Organizers, Mind Maps


Look at the Presentation Guide and watch the Overview Screencast


  • Look for presentations of interest on SlideshareAuthorstream, or Prezi and post them on your blog. 
  • Create your own PreziPowToon, or Google Presentation and post it on your blog. 
  • Use Diigo to bookmark at least three presentations and/or presentation sites of interest.
  • Find presentations relevant to your teaching on Waygook.org Lesson Materials
    (Login required: if you don’t want to register, you can use bufsttp/4ttp-fun)
    Post about them on your blog and/or upload them to your Google Drive and share with ‘[email protected]

Graphic Organizers,  Mindmaps, 

Take a look at the guides for Graphic Organizers and Mind Maps.

Examples:  Lesson 2 Flowchart  Information Transfer Activity   K-12 Templates

Try to create a simple mindmap or graphic organizer and post it on your blog.