TES531 Week#7 – Presentations & Midterm Prep

Part#1 – Presentations

Take a look at the Presentation Guide.  (screencast overview here)

Things to Do

  • Look for presentations of interest on SlideshareAuthorstream, or Prezi and post them on your blog. 
  • Create your own simple PreziPowToon, or Google Presentation and post it on your blog. 
  • Use Diigo to bookmark at least three presentations and/or presentation sites of interest.

Part#2 Midterm Prep
Your midterm will be a 15 minute Hangout  session with Jeff.  During this time, we will…

A) review  the tasks you completed so far and discuss any challenges, confusions, or ideas you have about the tools used

B) discuss
which materials and skills you would like to develop during the second
part of this course.  While I will still introduce a few new tools and
resources in weeks 9~14, most of that time will be spent  having you
develop CALL-related materials for your current and future teaching

C) share any other thoughts and questions about
this course and how to make the second part of it as useful as possible
for you.

Please make sure your Task Checklist is up-to-date by April 20.  Check the Week#7 update sent to your Gmail account for a link to your personalized checklist.

Midterms will take place between April 21~26.  You can schedule your Hangout time in the TES531Midterm Schedule Doc by writing your name in your desired time slot.  Please sign up for  time slot by April 17.

This week’s virtual sessions