TTP Week#4 – Video Resources & Tools

 Look at  The Learning CALL Video Guide and the screencasts there

The guide covers….

    • Sites that use video for language learning
    • Posting Videos on your blog
    • Downloading YouTube and other online videos
    • Editing videos with Windows Movie Maker
    • Watching TV Shows and Movies online
    • Screen capturing & sharing
    • Creating a YouTube Playlist

To Do Tasks

  • Look at the Language Learning Sites listed on the  Video Guide  Explore the sites listed there.  Use Diigo to bookmark at least three of those or other video sites of interest.
  • Go to, Ted Talks, or other video sharing sites,  find any video of interest, and post it on your blog.
  • Look through the ELL videos in your Feedly or go directly to and subscribe to channels of interest  and/or at videos to your playlists. Post your playlists on your blog and/or our group blog.
  • Use a video download tool (like Torch or to save a video file from YouTube or another video sharing site.
    –  (Optional) Use Windows Movie Maker to edit that video (e.g. shorten it, add subtitles, etc.)
    –  Upload that video to your Google Drive and share it with [email protected]
    (Optional) Use your webcam to create and post your own video on YouTube.  Become a YouTube Star!
  • (Optional) Use a screencapture tool like Ocam or  Screencast-o-matic to record a screencast and post it to YouTube or your blog.