TTP2020: Week #1 – Course Overview and Setup

Fun Friday – TILL  Week#1 To Do List & Show & Tell

TO DO Checklist

      Show & Tell (maybe)

      Tuesday, March 3 Tasks

      • Go to a website you know of that you find useful. Bookmark it with Diigo and share it with the Learning Call Group.
      • Visit the TILL Websites page. Enjoy browsing and try to Diigo bookmark at least three of them to your personal library.

      YouTube Videos for Teaching

      Join TTP YouTube MegaPlaylists.  Click on the links and make sure to click ‘Continue’

      Add videos to TTP Megaplaylists. Create your own playlists of favorite videos.

      Writing Prep To prepare for Week#1 Writing Tasks, go to your Writing folder and create two blank documents. – Your Name – Fluency Drill’
      – Your Name – Roommate’

      The goal of the first two weeks is to get oriented to the course, acquainted with each other, and get set up with some of the accounts and tools we’ll be using (and to grab your first plate of goodies from the TILL buffet).

      Week#1&2 Tasks:

      • Go to (or navigate there from the 9-dot navigation grid.
      • Click on ‘Shared with Me‘.
        You should see several TTP 2020 folders and Documents.
        RIGHT click on each one and click ‘Add to My Drive’.
        – TTP2020 Course Materials|
        – TTP2020 Teaching Demonstrations
        – TTP2020 Writings
        – TTP2020 Group Notes
        – TTP 2020 Account Info

                 … and others

      To experiment with your new blog, try  

      – posting a photo – posting a video – adding ‘gadgets’ to the side of your blog

         Extra Special Super Important Very Fun Week#1 TaskPost a 1~5 minute INTRODUCTION VIDEO to the your the TTP Whole Group BAND.
        You can take a ‘selfie video’ with your phone or get help from a friend. Be as creative as you like! (e.g. give a tour of your home, take us out with you on Friday night, sing your favorite song, etc.) If you have any problems uploading the video to the Band, email the file to Jeff at [email protected] You can see examples from Jeff here and  here.

        Join the TTP Bands

        Apps to Install


        Google Docs

        Android   Apple

        Google Translate

        Android   Apple


        Android   Apple