The ‘Already Done’ (hopefully) List
- TD#1 Lesson Plan completed (including materials and links)
- TD#1 Self-Assessment
- TD#1 TTPKitchen Post
- Up-to-date ER Log
- Up-to-date Personal Quizlet
- Add Possible Projects to the TTP2020 Trello Board.
TILL Skills
Currently Serving…
- Use Diigo to bookmark sites of interest from the audio and video guides.
- Use a screencapture tool like Debut, Screencastify, Zoom, Ocam, or Screencast-o-matic to record a screencast and post it to YouTube or your blog.
- Register at, create a Voki chatbot, and post it on your blog.
- Create an mp3 file and post and embed it on your blog.
This can be your voice recorded with Audacity or a text to speech recording of something like ‘Hey Jeff, I know how to make an audio recording of a ‘text to speech’ sentence. Pretty cool, eh?” (see Audio Guide)
Earlier Trips to the Buffet
- Create a Google Form Questionnaire and post it on your blog
- Create Quizlets, Padlet, or Wordart, and Embed it on your blog
Site Building Tools - Visit to check out new posts from your classmates and others.
- (Make your own – ‘New Exercise’) (remove ads with Adblock)
- Create your own YouTube playlist and post it to your blog or add videos to a TTP playlist
- TTP MegaPlaylist Elementary MegaPlaylist Secondary Megaplaylist PopSongs for ELT
On the Horizon Tasks
- Use one of the puzzle makers listed in the Activity Guide to make a crossword puzzle or word search.
- Brush up on your phrasal verb, tag questions, collocations, or other skills. Activity Guide
- Create your own Google map , add locations, embed it on your blog.