Week#13 Extras – Mobile Tools

Lists of Apps for ELT

More tools and resources in the Mobile Tools Guide
Please comment below to share other Language Learning apps

QR Codes

A QR Code (stands for “Quick Response”) is a mobile phone readable barcode. In its simplest sense think “print based hypertext link” – simply encode a URL into the QR Code and then point a mobile phone (or other camera-enabled mobile) at it. If the device has had QR Code decoding software installed on it, it will fire up its browser and go straight to that URL.

QRStuff.com QR Code Generator  (create a QR Code image)

QR Reader Apps (read a QR Code on your phone):
Android: QR Droid    Barcode Scanner
Apple  QR Reader          Scan


Amazing Screen Cleaner

List of ELT Mobile Tools

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