First Up: Please take the TILL Task Interest Survey
Next up: TILL Drills!
Remember that tsunami of TILL Tools we surfed back during the chilly months of March & April.
It’s time to see how much we remember.
Try to complete as many of these tasks as you can.
- Add videos to a YouTube playlist
TTP MegaPlaylist Elementary MegaPlaylist Secondary Megaplaylist PopSongs for ELT
- Create a Google Form Questionnaire and post it on your blog
- Find an interesting Google Map and post it on your blog
(Mapping Tools)
- Embed a Quizlet, animated Wordart, Google Presentation, and/or Ted Talk on your blog
- Find or Create a Quizizz and post the code on the TILL Group Notes Elementary, Secondary)
- Create an mp3 file of a text to speech recording of
‘Hey Jeff, I know how to make an audio recording of a ‘text to speech’ sentence. Pretty cool, eh?” and post it on your blog. (see Audio Guide)
- Rank these words from most common to least common:
connoisseur embellish morsel reckon lucrative trickle brat soggy
(see Week#5 Buffet / reference)