
  • Register for Diigo. Join the Learning Call Group and then take
    some time to leisurely Explore Websites and bookmark at
    least 5 of them and share them with the LearningCall group.
    Guide here
    of Websites Here

    If you have the time (and interest), write a short blog post about some of the interesting sites you find.
  • Register for a Skype account and add your skype
    ID to your Google Doc Portfolio. (Note: only * fields are
    others can be left blank if you want)
    Skype Guide Here
  • If you have the time (and interest) register
    at PBWorks
    and upload one of your hot potato
    activies from last week.  Post a link to it on your blog.
    PBWorks Guide Here
  • If you’ve finished all of that and/or are eager to experiment
    recording and editing audio files, check out the Audio
    and give Audacity a try.