Week#3 – Presentations & Video

End of the Week Goals
– Quizlet Vocab with at least 30 words
– post a slideshare or Google presentation on your blog
– add at least one video you use in your teaching to the Elementary or Secondary YouTube playlist
– post at least one video or playlist on your blog.

Go to the Presentations Guide.

  • Watch the video
  • Check the links of interest
  • Find a Slideshare presentation of interest and post it on your blog. 
  • Create a basic Google Presentation and post it on your blog. 
Look at  The Learning CALL Video Guide and the screencasts there

The guide covers….

  • Sites that use video for language learning
  • Posting Videos on your blog
  • Downloading YouTube and other online videos
  • Editing videos with Windows Movie Maker
  • Watching TV Shows and Movies online
  • Screen capturing & sharing
  • Creating a YouTube Playlist

To Do Tasks