Week#4: Going Mobile & Media (Part2)

Mobile Tools

Assorted Recent Bookmarks

Media Part#2

Things to Try:  (try at least one or two of the tasks below and then follow your learning passions)

  • Upload or record a video using WMM.  Then edit it, and add a title, subtitles, credits, transitions, etc. Save it as a wmv file and upload it to your blog. 
  • Crop and resize an image and post it to your blog and/or your Google Photos. 
  • Look through some of the Pronunciation Resources on the Megalist of Websites page. 
  • Upload an audio file to Dropbox or PBWorks and embed a flash player for that audio file. 

Once you’ve tried one or two of those tasks, you can review previous CALL Skills and Resources , work on your blog, or take a peek at what’s ahead.  (e.g. Mapping Tools,  Presentations, and Graphic Organizers)

Always remember to use Diigo to bookmark and share sites of interest.