Mobile Tools
- Visit the Mobile Tools Page (with computer or your mobile device).
- Check out some of the resources and apps.
- If you know of other mobile tools of interest, please bookmark and share using Diigo (or post them in our Hangout) Hangout app here if you haven’t already installed it. You can also post any interesting finds on your blog.
- If you would like to spend some time reviewing tools we explored in previous weeks, please feel free to do so.
(preface links: The Camera that changed Jeff’s life, End of an Era, Google Glass, Glass Webcast, Wearable Tech)
Assorted Recent Bookmarks
- Some interesting posts from a Temecula Teacher
- List of Class Blogs
- The State of Educational Blogging 2013
Media Part#2
- Video: How to use Windows Movie Maker
- Images: Cropping, editing, changing filesize, uploading to Google
- Audio How to embed audio on your blog
Things to Try: (try at least one or two of the tasks below and then follow your learning passions)
- Upload or record a video using WMM. Then edit it, and add a title, subtitles, credits, transitions, etc. Save it as a wmv file and upload it to your blog.
- Crop and resize an image and post it to your blog and/or your Google Photos.
- Look through some of the Pronunciation Resources on the Megalist of Websites page.
- Upload an audio file to Dropbox or PBWorks and embed a flash player for that audio file.
Once you’ve tried one or two of those tasks, you can review previous CALL Skills and Resources , work on your blog, or take a peek at what’s ahead. (e.g. Mapping Tools, Presentations, and Graphic Organizers)
Always remember to use Diigo to bookmark and share sites of interest.