Week#5 Buffet – TD Ahoy!

ER Resources

Lounge Goodies

Quizlet – search ‘Title Chapter’


Teaching Demonstration Thoughts

– 50+%, 
– output documentation
– during TD, lean into ‘teacher mode’
– whole group, anyone?
–  part 1- part 2
Self-Assessment, Embrace the Experiment, Don’t be afraid to flop
Tentative Schedule Here

Classroom English/ TEE 
Classroom English Megalist * Checking for Understanding (ICQ & CCQ)

More TEE Resources

TILL Output

Produce at least one blog post describing how you can use one or more TILL tools in your teaching. Create at least one example teaching object (e.g. Quizlet set, Wordart, Quizizz, etc.) and link to or embed it on your blog.

Audio Guide Odds & Ends

Text to Speech Tools

Questions for Former Trainees
Elementary     Secondary

TTP 2018 Overseas Albums (Elementary   Secondary  Secondary#2)