Week#5 : Video + Activities, Games, & Quizzes


TO DO Options

  • Look at  The Learning CALL Video Guide and watch the screencasts there
    The guide covers….
    • Sites that use video for language learning
    • Posting Videos on your blog
    • Downloading YouTube and other online videos
    • Editing videos with Windows Movie Maker
    • Watching TV Shows and Movies online
    • Screen capturing & sharing
  • Look at the Language Learning Sites listed on the  Video Guide  Explore the sites listed there.  Use Diigo to bookmark  video sites of interest.

  • Go to YouTube.com, Ted Talks, or other video sharing sites,  find any video of interest, and post it on your blog.
  • Use a video download tool (like Torch Browswer or  KeepVid.com) to save a video file from YouTube or another video sharing site.
    –  (Optional) Use Windows Movie Maker to edit that video (e.g. shorten it, add subtitles, etc.)
  • (Optional) Use your webcam to create and post your own video on YouTube.  Become a YouTube Star!  
  • (Optional) Use a screencapture tool like Screencast-o-matic to record a screencast and post it to YouTube or your blog.


Activities, Games, & Quizzes (continued)

  • Explore the Games & Activities Guide
    – Bookmark sites of interest using Diigo
    – If you know of other useful activity sites that are not listed on LearningCall.net, please Diigo them and share them with the LearningCall Group.
    – Create either a Quizlet Set or a Profprof Quiz and post it on your blog
  • See How can I embed videos, presentations, and other items into a post? for information on how to embed something like into a blog post. 
  • Create a short post blog post describing useful sites you’ve found. If you weren’t satisfied with what you found any, post descriptions of the kinds of activities you’d like to find.