Post-Overseas Tasks

Document Brisbane Learning

  • Use the Overseas Group Notes to write (copy) synapses of each day at UQ.    Elementary    Secondary
  • Divvy up UQ days (1 or 2/trainee).  One person can write the primary description. Others can add their thoughts.
    Share your practicum observations in the practicum section.
  • Share any suggestions, tips, and/or wisdom on the Advice to future Trainees’ Doc.
  • Add links to sites and apps to LearningCall Diigo Group.

Photo Processing

Make a Slideshow Video of your Australia Photos

Share selected photos in the Collaborative Google Album:

TTP Kitchen

  • Make sure past TD activity overviews are complete.
  • Add posts for interesting activities you experienced at UQ or during the practicum.

Get Started on Teaching Demonstration #3