
A few new appetizers on the buffet…
Padlet Shelf Layout Word Type A * Word Type B

World Lists

Anti-Adware Programs and Methods
One more text-to-speech tool (thanks to my four year old nephew)
Windows Narrator: About Guide Video Guides Windows 7 Windows 10

The Main Course For the next couple weeks, we will continue working together to produce CALL-related materials for use in your teaching.
Possible Creations

  • YouTube Playlists  (e.g. Class Starter Videos, Culture,  Language Learning, etc. ) TTP  MegaPlaylist      Elementary MegaPlaylist    Secondary Megaplaylist   ELT Songs Playlist If you have created your own, please post a link in the Materials Development Plan (Elementary   Secondary)
  • Create Quizizz, Quizlets, Memrise sets, Padlets/Word Clouds Powtoons, Kahoots, Vokis, Storyboards, Mindmaps, and/or graphic organizers for specific parts of your textbook, open classes, and/or supplemental teaching.
  • Use Google Forms to create a Week#1 Questionnaire or other survey.
  • Create Screencasts (CALL tutorials or student tasks)

More Detailed Linked List of CALL Tasks