Material Development Plans: Elementary Secondary
We will soon start applying CALL tools and resources to your teaching situations by developing relevant materials. . Before tackling those challenges, let’s take another look at what we’ve ‘tasted’ on the buffet so far. Take the next couple hours to revisit topics and attempt tasks that interest you, keeping in mind how you might apply these to your teaching.
Things to Do
Go to Feedly and check out recent blog posts from current TTP’ers and CALL alumni
- Build a collection of your favorite Kahoots, Charades sets, and Quizizz and/or start creating your own.
- Create a Padlet, Tagul, or Storyboardthat comic strip and post it on your blog Site Building Tools
- Work on a Prezi, Google Presentation, or Powtoon and post it on your blog Presentations Guide
- Create your own Quizlet or Memrise set and post on your blog or try to set the TTP Scatter Record with your Activity Guide
- Create your own Hot Potatoes Activities Hot Potatoes Guide
- Use Windows Movie Maker to edit a video. Video Guide Overview Screencast
- Add videos to YouTube playlists and/’or create your own. Video Guide How-to Screencast
TTP MegaPlaylist Elementary MegaPlaylist Secondary Megaplaylist ELT Songs Playlist - Create a screencast using Ocam or How-to Screencast Screencast
- Brush up on your phrasal verb, tag questions, collocations, or other skills. Activity Guide
Check out more Google+ Communities, or Facebook Groups on the Social Networking Guide
- Download some audio books or podcasts that you can listen to on your way to BUFS. Audio Guide
- Gather some interesting reading materials for students Reading Resources
- Create your own Google map or add locations to the TTP2017 Down Under map Mapping Tools
- Creating an audio recording using Audacity, Voki, or and post it on your blog. Audio Guide
- Use Google Translate to practice pronunciation
- Create a class survey using Google Forms – example Google Form How-to Screencast
- Create a new blog for your classes or redesign your existing blog (new template) and add some gadgets Blogger Guide
- Create Mindmaps or Graphic Organizers and post them on your blog.
- Upload photos (or organize your photos) at or
- Continue looking through the megalist of CALL websites or the LearningCall Diigo group or network and add bookmark sites with Diigo.
- Use text to speech tools (or grab a nearby native English speaker) to create mp3 files of texts and dialogues. Audio Guide Text to Speech Links
Check out a few things we skipped on our first lap around the buffet
- Create some funny images with sites like Photofunia and post on your blog Site Building Tools
- Information about finding copyright friendly images, sounds, and other media Copyright & Fair Use
- A little grammar fun Eli Hinkle’s Teaching Tips
(swf files: Tenses Prepositions