Spring 2017: Weeks #1 & 2 – Course Overview and Setup

The goal of the first two weeks is to get oriented to the course, acquainted with each other, and get set up with some of the accounts and tools we’ll be using (and to grab your first plate of goodies from the CALL buffet).

To Do List (Short Version)

  1. Diigo – Install the ‘Blue d’ (Diigo Chrome extension). Create a Diigo Account   Join the Learning Call Group  Explore the CALL Website Buffet and use Diigo to bookmark a few sites. Go to your favorite teaching site, bookmark it, and share it with the LearningCall Diigo Group.
  2. Create a Blogger Blog
    Create your first blog post – perhaps your favorite teaching video from YouTube.
  3. Create a Quizlet Account.  Join BUFS TTP  AND the TTP2017 Quizlet Classes.
    Create your own Quizlet of TTP Vocabulary and add it to the TTP2017 Quizlet Class.
    Post your Quizlet on your blog by copying the embed code – Screencast Guide here
  4. Add your Blogger URL, Diigo Profile URl, and Quizlet Profile URL to the  TTP Account Info Doc

  5. Go to your Google Drive and make sure you have access to your TTP Journal Folder and Documents. Rename your ER Log to “Your Name – TTP Extensive Reading Log”
  6. Enjoy watching your classmates Introduction Videos in the TTP Band
  7. (Optional) Watch the videos about Flipped Classrooms and SOLE.

    Please look below for more details and guides.

Week#1&2 Tasks:

           … and others

Apps to Install




Android   Apple

Google Hangout

Android   Apple
Google Translate

Android   Apple


Android   Apple

Extra Special Super Important Very Fun Week#1 Assignment Post a 1~5 minute INTRODUCTION VIDEO to the your the TTP Whole Group BAND
You can take a ‘selfie video’ with your phone or get help from a friend. Be as creative as you like!  (e.g. give a tour of your home, take us out with you on Friday night, sing your favorite song, etc.) If you have any problems uploading the video to the Band, email the file to Jeff at [email protected]

(Optional) This course is conducted as a type of ‘Flipped Classroom‘  and integrates elements of ‘SOLE’ (Self-Organized Learning Environments).  The materials below  this will provide you with some background information about these approaches.   

Sugata Mitra – SOLE (Self Organized Learning Environment)

Quoting Arthur C Clarke

  • Any teacher that can be replaced by a machine should be!
  • If children have interests then education happens.


The Flipped Classroom is a form of blended learning which encompasses any use of technology to leverage the learning in a classroom, so a teacher can spend more time interacting with students instead of lecturing. This is most commonly being done using teacher-created videos that students view outside of class time.
거꾸로교실 플립러닝 Flipped Learning KBS
PD Journal: 아이들이 즐거워지는 혁명, ‘거꾸로 교실’

 Let’s use Video to Reinvent Education

More about Khan Analytics (starts at 1:10)

Interview with Salman Khan

About Flipped Classroom

The Flipped Classroom Project

Teachers “Doing The Flip” To Help Students Become Learnershttp://www.thedailyriff.com/articles/teachers-doing-the-flip-to-help-students-become-learners-531.php