Week#3: Presentations, Site-building Odds & Ends


Please go to the Presentations Guide.

  • Watch the video
  • Check the links of interest
  • Find a Slideshare presentation of interest and post it on your blog. 
  • Create a basic Google Presentation and post it on your blog. 


Course Materials (Google Drive folders)

Writing Folders Elementary Secondary
Account Info Doc no protected

When to Diigo, when to share, when to bookmark, when to blog

  • Diigo = remember site, access anytime, anywhere, any device
  • Share with LearningCall group – of interest to TTP Community
  • Bookmark Bar = one click access to frequently visited sites
  • Blog = something to say about

The Google MatrixMaking a Youtube Playlist

Quizlet Classes:  BUFS TTP    TTP2017

To Do:

  • Create a doc in your writing folder
  • Finish exploring the presentation guide (post a slideshare or Google Presentation) take a look at Waygook.org, etc.
  • Create Quizlet set “Your Name – TTP2017 Vocabulary”, add it to TTP2017 Class,  remove other sets from that class.  Contribute words to the TTP2017 Megaset (if desired)
  • As part of your Teaching Workshop Presentation, gather related materials and share them using some of these CALL tools.
  • create a a YouTube playlist of related videos
  • upload related files into your Teaching Demonstration folder
  • create a blog post with a presentation overview along with embedded videos, presentations, or other materials. 

Calling an Audible