TES531 – Week#1 – Getting Oriented and Equipped

The goal of the first week is to get oriented to the course, acquainted with each other, and get set up with some of the accounts and tools we’ll be using (and to grab your first plate of goodies from the buffet).

Week#1 To Do Checklist (Please complete everything on this checklist by March 9)  See below for details and links

  • Create a Gmail address
  • Add Jeff to your Google+ circles
  • Make sure the Google Hangout plugin is installed on your Chrome browser. 
  • Join the Learning Call Google Community
  • Create a blogger blog. 
  • Create a Diigo Account & join the Diigo Learning Call group. 
  • Take a look at the CALL Buffet of Websites and use Diigo to bookmark at least three sites. 
  • Add Jeff as a Kakao contact. 
  • Complete the Entrance Survey and Session Preference Form

Week#1 Tasks (Detailed)
  • Please use Chrome (not MSIE) for these tasks.  It will make life easier.  If you don’t already have it installed, you can download it at http://google.com/chrome
  • Go to gmail.com and Create a gmail account if you don’t already have one. (this ID will be used for public posting. If you want to remain anonymous online, please choose a pseudonym – don’t use your real name as an ID).
  • To update your Google+ Profile, go to http://plus.google.com and click ‘Profile/About/Edit Profile’.
  • Go to Jeff’s Google+ Page and add him  to your ‘circles’.