TES531 Week#2 – Blogger Tweak & Online Activities

Welcome Video & Week#1 & #2 Overview
Download video file (67MB)

Hanging Out in the Google Universe
If you haven’t already done so, you can update your Google+ profile, find others to follow (TES531er’s here) and download the Hangout app and Google+ app to use them on mobile devices. 

Next Virtual Session: Saturday, March 15 11:00am  We will have our second optional virtual session via Hangout.   Participation is not required, but please RSVP here to let me know if you plan on joining in or not. 

To join the Hangout, make sure you’ve added Jeff to your Google+ circles, then go to your Google+ page and wait for a message inviting you to the Hangout.  I will also text a join link to our Hangout text chat. If you are having trouble, you can view the Hangout at the Learning Call Hangout Center and make contact via the text chat there. When you participate in the Hangout, please use a headset (or at least ear buds) if possible.  This will help improve sound quality for everyone.
Google+ Hangout Guide here

Week#2 To Do Checklist (Please complete everything on this checklist by March 16)  See below for details and links

  • Make sure you’ve already completed everything on the Week#1 Checklist
  • Look at the blog examples
  • Create a blog post that contains a photo or video and short description.
  • Look through the Games & Activities Guide and Bookmark at least three sites of interest with Diigo. 
  • Either create your own Quizlet (or find one of interest) and post it on your blog. 
  • (*attendance task*) Create a short blog post about your thoughts on activity resources and using them in your teaching and/or learning
  • If/When you have questions about anything, please post them in the Learning CALL Google Community or Kakao Chat. 

Week#2 Tasks (Detailed)

Blogger Tweaks Questions? To see some examples of what you can do with a ‘Blogger’ blog check out the ones below.

To experiment with your new blog, try

Begin Exploring Activities, Games, & Quizzes