Week#11, Part 1 – Schoology

Register at Schoology.com with a Teacher Account. .

Access our experimental course with this code: 6Z3VX-KFW9K
First, attempt the short Vocab quiz in the Speaking section. 
Afterward, Jeff will give you ‘admin permissions’ so you can experiment with creating content in our group course or in your own.

To access as the group course as a student, create an account with your other email address or use
Student ID:  [email protected]
Password: D305-Power

 (Schoology Overview screencast parent guide)

Sugata Mitra – SOLE (Self Organized Learning Environment)

Quoting Arthur C Clarke

  • Any teacher that can be replaced by a machine should be!
  • If children have interests then education happens.


The Flipped Classrooma form of blended learning which encompasses any use of technology to leverage the learning in a classroom, so a teacher can spend more time interacting with students instead of lecturing. This is most commonly being done using teacher-created videos that students view outside of class time.

 Let’s use Video to Reinvent Education

More about Khan Analytics (starts at 1:10)

Interview with Salman Khan

About Flipped Classroom

The Flipped Classroom Project

Teachers “Doing The Flip” To Help Students Become Learnershttp://www.thedailyriff.com/articles/teachers-doing-the-flip-to-help-students-become-learners-531.php

거꾸로교실 플립러닝 Flipped Learning KBS
PD Journal: 아이들이 즐거워지는 혁명, ‘거꾸로 교실’