Week#11 – Video Production & Copyright-friendly Media

Michael Wesch is a professor of cultural anthropology at Kansas State University.   I first became aware of his YouTube videos in 2007 when I was webcasting away at EdTechTalk.  They look ancient now, but at the time, his ‘The Machine is Us/ing Us and A Vision of Students Today were pretty cutting edge. 

In any event, he just published a video with some useful ideas and resources for teachers who are producing videos for online learning.

I encourage you to check out (at least the first seven minutes) of
What Professors Can Learn from YouTubers

Our goal this week:  Gather some ‘go to’ sites for finding copyright-friendly materials that can be used in our teaching – online and off. Please check out and review some of the sites below and suggest others by commenting.

Copyright-friendly sources of video, audio, & images mentioned in his video

Sites mentioned in LearningCall.com’s Copyright & Fair Use for Educators 

