Week#3 – Summer/Fall 2012


Hour#1 Demonstrations and Whole Group Tasks


Independent Tasks

  • Experiment with Google Docs.
    • Create a Google Document and share it with Jeff ([email protected])
    • Create a Google Presentation and post it on your blog. 
    • Create a Google Form and post it on your blog
  • Use Google Reader to check out your classmates’ blogs. Post comments. Visit other blogs in your reader. 
  • Upload some photos to your Google Photo Space. Post on your blog if you like.
  • Visit the EnglishCentral.com TTP Fall 2012 Course Page.  Enroll in the course. Choose a video. Listen at least once.  Try recording your voice and getting feedback. 
  • Bookmark at least a couple sites using Diigo (click on the Blue D)

    These can be sites from the Websites page or sites you already use for assorted CALL purposes.