Week#4 – Summer/Fall 2012

   Review Tasks

  • If you haven’t already done so, post a YouTube Video on your blog. 
  • If you haven’t already done so, post some photos on your blog.
  •  Take a look at your Google Reader.  Find some new posts in the EFL
    Bloggers Category and in the Bloggers in Korea Category.  An excellent example of an English teacher who users her blog well is Carla Arena who blogs at Collablogatorium. Now check out
    your classmates posts and make at least one comment. 
  • Use Diigo to bookmark some of your favorite CALL & non-CALL sites. Check the Websites page if you want to return to the buffet.


  •  Look
    through the presentation guide. Check out some of the specific examples
    of presentations posted on sites like Slideshare and Authorstream. Try
    to embed one on your blog. Try to download one if you like. 
  • Post an answer on the TTP VoiceThread
  • Try to create your first Prezi. (optional)
  Other Tasks
  • Return to the CALL Website Buffet.  Find a few sites of interest.  Blog about them and/or add them to Diigo
  • Go to EnglishCentral.com and practice ‘extensive listening/speaking’.