
Post photos to your blog.
The easiest way to do this is shown
here in the Blogger Guide. Example here
If you’d like to experiment with Google’s Photo service Picasa, here’s how.
Picasa allows you to create and
embed slideshows like this on your blog.
Task: post at least 5 photos with short descriptions on your blog (either five in one single post or fives posts with one photo each).

Use Google Reader to subscribe to blogs (your classmates and many others).
Download the PUFSTTP-Fall2011.opml here

Google Reader Guide Here
Task: import the above opml file and browse some of the blogs you’re subscribed to.

Comment on your classmates’ blogs.  Toward the end of class, use your Google reader to look through you classmates blogs.
Task: Make at least two comments.

Update your blog
Task: If you haven’t already done so, edit your ‘About Me’ page to include a short introduction.

Diigo Review:
Task: Edit the ‘Resources Page of your blog. Add a link to your Diigo page.
Then browse from the websites buffet and bookmark at least three sites using Diigo. (Diigo Guide here)

Take a look at the Presentation Guide.
Task: Look at some of the specific examples there. Try to embed one on your blog.
Optional Tasks: Try to create and embed a Google presentation (guide here) on your blog.  Try to create your first prezi.