
CALL Week#3 Agenda

Hot Potatoes & Activity Websites

  • Go to the Activities Guide and follow instructions.
    – Look at Hot Potatoes examples
    – Create any kind of Hot Potatoes activity. The activity can be very simple (i.e. a 3 questions quiz, a gap activity with a few blanks, etc.). Look at the Hot Potatoes Guide for help.
    – Save the HP activity (Save as & Create webpage) in c:temp and save a copy on your USB drive. Make sure the file name includes your name and class#.

    (Optional) Post a Hot Potatoes Activity on your  blog.  
    – Create a ‘new post’ on your blog.
    – Then paste this code into a blog post (make sure to use  ‘Edit HTML tab, not Compose tab)
     <iframe src=”URL Here” frameborder=”0″ height=”500″ width=”600″ scrolling=”auto”></iframe>
    (to find that code, click Questions on the LearningCall.net menu.
                                                                                                 Click on Hot Potatoes Question)

    – In another tab, upload that the Hot Potatoes html file to JeffLebow.net/ttp-files
          (access info on handout)
    – Once the file is attached and the post saved, RIGHT click the html file and ‘copy link location’.
    –  In your ‘new post’ , paste that URL into the the code where it says ‘URL Here’.


  • (Optional) Use Google Forms or and try to create a basic quiz or survey with at least two questions. Post a link to that quiz (or embed it) in a blog entry on your blogger.com blog.
  • Explore some of the websites on the Activities Guide which have many, many different kinds of activities. Remember to use Diigo to bookmarks sites you might want to visit again.
  • HOMEWORK – Bring five digital photos with you to class. Try to choose photos of things that are important to you (people, places, events, etc.)