Hot Potatoes Guide

Using Hot Potatoes  If you don’t already have Hot Potatoes installed on your computer,  you can download it here,   Jeff’s 2006 Hot Potatoes Screencast Look at examples of different kinds of Hot Potatoes activities below Jquiz JCloze JMatch JMix JCross exercise exercise 1  exercise 2 exercise 1 exercise 2  exercise 1 exercise 2 exercise1  A … Read more

Adding & Using the Bookmarks Bar in Chrome

How to use the bookmark bar in Chrome Browser (for version 10.0.648.127) The bookmarks bar in any browser can help you get to your favorite sites much more quickly. To use the bookmark bar in Chrome, First make sure you see the bar by clicking the wrench icon on the upper right.  Then click ‘Tools’ … Read more

Hot Potatoes Guide

Using Hot Potatoes Different kinds of Potatoes Type Jquiz JCloze JMatch JMix JCross Examples JQuiz exercise JCloze exercise 1JCloze exercise 2 JMatch exercise 1JMatch exercise 2 (drag/drop) JMix exercise 1JMix exercise 2 (drag/drop) JCross exercise Information on how to create these types of activities below. JQuiz. The first stage is to enter the questions and answers … Read more

CALL Glossary

Bandwidth The amount of data that can be sent from one computer to another through a particular connection in a certain amount of time, e.g. via a computer to the Internet and vice versa. The more bandwidth available, the faster you are able to access information. Bandwidth is usually measured in kilobits per second (Kbps) or … Read more

Tips & Tricks

If you are having trouble connecting to the internet, click on the  icon, select PUFS Lab 4F or PUFS Lab4F-1 and click connect. If you see this icon: then you are connected.     In the class, always use the Chrome browser, not MSIE.        If you don’t have a bookmark or link to a site, … Read more

Google Tools

Google offers a vareity of tools that can be useful to educators. This screencast shows you some of these. Our primary browser during the course will be Chrome (Google’s browser) and  the first tools we’ll explore are…. Gmail  (Google’s Getting Started Guide, Guide ) Blogger Google Docs Later in the course (or sooner for those eager … Read more

Blogger Guide & Examples

Blogger is Google’s blogging platform.  You can register for a blog at and your blog will be created at Blogger Basics Creating Pages / Creating Posts Labels Posting Images Posting a YouTube Video on your blog Adding Gadgets to your sidebar Learning Call Blogger Screencasts Creating/Editing your Blogger Blog How to adjust widths for Blogger templates … Read more

Creating & Publishing a Google Presentation

Creating & Publishing a Google Presentation Login to your Gmail account and click ‘Drive’. A new window will open up. Click ‘Create new’/ Slides’. You can also click the ‘upload’ icon and upload an existing ppt.  Another new window will open. This is your google presentation.  To create and edit new slides, use the top … Read more

How to create and share a Google Document

How to create and share a Google Document Go to you main Docs page. * Google Docs is part of Google Drive.  Your drive includes 5GB of free storage space for documents and  other kinds of files.  Google Drive Support Cnet’s Guide to Google Drive GoogleGooru’s Guide to Google Drive Log in to Google … Read more


Search Open CALL Journals powered by Custom Search Control Web Suggested Readings Tomasz  Szynalski’s How I learned English in the pre-Internet age and why you can do it faste Emily Chen’s Introduction to CALL, Unit 1 Background Information / CALL Orientation CALL on Wikipedia Introduction to CALL (Warschauer) Introduction to CALL (Davies, et al.) Invitation to CALL … Read more